HanaHana Multi-Bloom
2016-today | Switzerland| Multiplayer sandbox (VR Interactive), 20’
Director: Mélodie Mousset
HanaHana Multi-Bloom immerses users in a surreal universe in which a gleaming sun beats down on a crimson lake and on desolate sandy islands populated only with monumental totemic ruins. Emerging from this barren landscape are chains of arms and hands varying in size and skin tones, which bloom and unfurl like flowers.Users can cultivate this bizarre wilderness, they can endlessly sprout new arms and create the most unexpected hallucinatory constructions limited only by one's imagination.
« Mélodie Mousset’s practice [...] reflects disturbing developments in the contemporary world we live in: a digital reality that tracks, records and analyses each individual’s movements, consumption behavior and even desires, thereby creating “transparent citizens”. This environment of overexposure is at odds with human bodies, which are alive, opaque, imperfect, filled with organs, psychic interiority and minds with hidden recesses abounding in imagination. As US writer and filmmaker Chris Kraus puts it, “Mousset’s associative process is so rich. She fully believes in her own imagination and the logical or alogical digressions that shape an inner life.” » - Claire Hoffmann, curator of the Centre Culturel Suisse.
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